Cultivating Nature's Best

  • Our ICS-Farm and Wild Heritage practices guarantee a diverse selection of organic spices and medicinal herbs. Third party certification body inspects the Internal Control System (ICS) overseeing assessments and approvals. The team, comprising an Internal Quality System Manager, Inspector, Approval Manager, Field Officers, Purchase Officers, Warehouse Manager, and Processing Manager, applies this system to producer groups, farmer cooperatives, and processing units.
  • Partnering with 6 organic farmer groups, we cultivate a range of medicinal herbs and spices including Organic Rama/Shyama or Krishna Tulsi, Vana Tulsi, Chamomile, Hibiscus Sabdariffa, Castor Seeds, Cumin, Fennel, Ashwagandha roots, Quinoa, Tribulus, Chia seeds, Fenugreek Seeds, Bacopa Monnieri, Lemongrass Leaves, Safed Musali, Stevia Leaves, Sarpagandha, Akarkara Roots , Amla, Haritaki, Vibhitaki,Arjuna Bark, Eucalyptus and minor forest produce, apart from the collection of 60-70 other species of Organic Medicinal Herbs.
  • Under the supervision of our expert technical staff, we uphold the highest cultivation standards through regular inspections and farmer training.

Our Team

Chandresh Lekhari

Sales & Marketing Head

Bhagwan Patel

Operation Head

Keshav Meghwal

Purchase Head